Episode #12
In Episode #12 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Adryenn Ashley better. She is a firecracker. We cover a diverse range of topics including values, identification, politics, self-reliance, and blockchain.
In this episode, we discuss:
- What it takes to make informed consent.
- What a world without propaganda would be like.
- The importance of critical thinking skills.
- What it's like being autistic.
- Values worthy of instilling in our children today.
- Basics and significance of blockchain when it comes to building trust.
- How to make the American voting process more transparent and secure.
- and much more for you to consider about the world we live in today and how to influence it positively and successfully.
Adryenn Ashley, a renowned figure in the blockchain and Web3 world, hosts the globally broadcast television talk show "Minting the Future.” She is also an award-winning and best-selling author, with her upcoming book of the same title focusing on the potential, pitfalls and perils of NFTs to build communities and drive mainstream adoption of blockchain technology, Web3, and the Metaverse.
As a mentor to startups worldwide, Adryenn utilizes her expertise to transform celebrity NFT projects into investable assets that can build viral communities. From 2017-2019, she traveled worldwide, teaching family offices and hedge funds the art of due diligence in blockchain projects, earning her a reputation as a go-to expert with investors. Her efforts were recognized when she was named the #1 Woman in Blockchain Influencer of the year in 2019 and retook the top spot in 2022.
Adryenn is a sought-after advisor to a dozen blockchain companies, having helped organize and launch several successful projects ranging from old-school ICOs to generative PFP projects, music, movies, defi, green energy, and supply chain. As the Co-Founder of Billionaire Zombies Club, she was instrumental in creating a self-sustaining DAO community focused on building the Metaverse.
Episode #11
In Episode #11 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Brian Piergrossi better. This diverse and thought-provoking free flow Conversation is meant to bring hope, peace, inspiration, and empowerment to all who tune in fully. Sorinne and Brian discuss and connect many topics from breathwork to artificial intelligence and psychic abilities to Jesus' teachings.
In this episode you'll learn 1. How to find peace and safety in your body to be more relaxed and creative, 2. How to set desirable tones for your days, 3. How to tune into your body’s inner guidance, 4. Why being productive and structured can keep you from your true self, 5. How to discern what’s right and wrong for you personally, 6. Limitations of Artificial Intelligence in comparison to innate human abilities, 7. How to live a more fulfilling life through genuine human connections, and much more to help you live a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.
It is an honor to share this candid and authentic Conversation with you.
Coach, breathworker, meditation teacher, mentor, author, Brian Piergrossi is a beacon of light who has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world over the past 16 years. At the age of 20 years old Brian was suddenly struck by a mysterious, debilitating illness, later labeled ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’, that lasted for over 10 years leaving him in intense, daily, physical pain and too weak to effectively function in society. When no medical or other authority figure could explain the suffering that was happening to him, Brian made it his life commitment to inquire into the root cause of human suffering & the core principles of vitality, achievement and fulfillment.
What began was over 11 years of quiet yet committed, serious inquiry, study and personal application into the fields of spirituality, religion, psychology, sociology, cosmology, ecology, health, arts, science, yoga, self-realization & personal development teachings. He read over 1000 books. He studied the teachings of the greatest mentors and teachers around the world at the time.
Episode #10
In Episode #10 Sorinne gets to know Alan Hayman better. This multidimensional thought-inspiring Conversation is meant to offer real-world approaches to achieving inner and outer peace. You'll learn about: - deontology, pragmatism, and consensus building - why people can struggle to live the philosophy of life they subscribe to - the value of diversity of thought - how to allow space for differences in relationships - what the day-to-day life of a truth-seeker tends to be ... and much more about how all these subjects are connected and why they matter now.
Alan Hayman has written for numerous publications and blogs, and is the author of the blog LibertarianPragmatist.com. He has been an activist in the Liberty movement for over a decade, advocating for the principles of pragmatism and consensus-building. In 2020, he received the Libertarian Party of Colorado Ptak Award for Activist of the Year for his work getting several dozen Libertarian candidates on the ballot. He also has a BFA in Media Arts from the University of Arizona and is currently studying to receive a Plain Language Certificate from Simon Frasier University.
Episode #9
In Episode #9 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Christina Weber better. This racy and thought-provoking Conversation is meant to inspire you to experience more of life from a place of curiosity and open-mindedness. We cover many diverse topics including Kabbalah, BDSM, and politics.
Christina is a creator and curator of experiences for the curious. She is involved in many creative projects with the goal of connecting people and spreading love. She has been nicknamed Human Linkedin, Your Love Accomplice, and Feminine Weapon. It is an honor and delight getting to know Christina and her perspectives better with you. I am grateful we connected for the purpose of enlightening you. 💜
Christina Weber is a Private Matchmaker, Relationship Coach & Podcast Host of 'Deepen with Christina' on Spotify & Apple. She is the founder/CEO of WeDeepen (WeDeepen.com), a network of Best-in-Class Social and Transformational Experiences that shine a light on the Human Connection Industry. Her work is inspired by Esther Perel's teachings.
Christina launched the now-popular 'The Dating Dojo' at Dave Asprey's 8th Annual Biohacking Conference in Beverly Hills, CA. She is also the creator of 'Shop & Shag—Singles Shop at Grocery Stores on Monday Nights' and co-creator of 'RelateFest—For People Endlessly Curious About Relationships.'
Episode #8
In Episode #8 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Jack Lee. This thought-provoking and jaw dropping Conversation is meant to inspire and empower you to make better more informed choices. We cover and connect many topics (including politics, geography, parenthood, macroeconomics, and criminal behavior), jumping around and circling back quite a bit. It is an honor and adventure getting to know Jack and his perspectives better with you.
Jack is semi-retired from being a criminal defense attorney of almost 2 decades, now focusing on raising on his daughter to be an independent thinker. He’s a straight shooter who doesn’t hold back, yet also makes sure that what he expresses is backed up, as he’s a perpetual learner and truth seeker. He spends most of his free time managing a real estate portfolio for his daughter to have as part of her legacy.
Episode #7
In Episode #7 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Jeffery Davis. In this diverse and thought-provoking Conversation, you'll learn about why being "normal" isn't a fulfilling objective, how to create a world that supports who you truly are, how to become better after a traumatic event, how to heal individually and as a society, the power of personal responsibility, why tuning out friends and family is sometimes necessary for self-actualization, and LOTS more valuable information for you to experience a fulfilling life. It is an honor getting to know Jeffery and his insights better with you.
Episode #6
In Episode #6 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Reza Ebrahimi. His story and message... connecting the electronic music scene, San Francisco culture, and practicing yoga for 2 decades are inspiring and empowering. He's very charismatic, intuitive, and educated on how to navigate life gracefully and sustainably.
In this entertaining and thought-provoking episode you'll learn the "secret" to getting younger and healthier, how to positively impact future generations, how making ethical choices can become second nature for you, benefits of developing your awareness and sensitivity as a man or a woman, what it takes to be successful as a creator, and much more to help you thrive in all aspects of your life.
Episode #5
In Episode #5 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Germinal G. Van. Germinal is a very rigorous and pragmatic soul that has accomplished much on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of Life. His story and message offer a lot to those of us who aspire to understand and experience as much as we can in this lifetime, as well as have a desire to leave behind a legacy to inspire countless other human beings.
This diverse Conversation checks all the boxes of the image for this podcast. It will most definitely inspire, educate, and empower anyone who tunes in with an open mind... as we cover a range of topics, quite in depth, in just about an hour's time.
In this jam-packed episode you'll learn how most anything is possible in the United States of America for hard-working, logical, and driven entrepreneurs (no matter their ethnicity or race), you'll learn why different cultures tend to foster different types of mindsets, relationships, and lifestyles, you'll learn about Nature's intentions for men and women, you'll learn how to become a genius at whatever your heart desires, and so much more more.
It is an honor getting to know Germinal better. I am appreciative that he is now a greater part of my life. Engaging with him is always enlightening and a call to action.
Germinal G. Van is an award-winning author, economist, political scientist, and scholar. He is a member of the National Association of Business Economics and the Economic History Association. He was born in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. He immigrated to the United States in 2010. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in political science from the Catholic University of America in 2014, earned a master’s degree in political management from George Washington University in 2017, and acquired a non-degree certificate in Mathematical Statistics from Duke University. His works mainly focus on Political Economy, Economic History, and Social Economics. He is a proponent of free-market economics and classical liberalism.
Germinal has written two dozen books in Economic History, Political Economy, Development Economics, Social Economics, and Macroeconomics. He has also written several columns for the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) and the Mises Institute. Moreover, Mr. Van published several scientific papers, notably in professional academic journals such as the Journal of Economics and Econometrics, and in research platforms such as Research Papers in Economics, and ResearchGate. He is the winner of the 2021 Best Indie Book Award for Socioeconomic History and the Finalist of the 2022 National Indie Excellence Award in U.S. History.
Episode #4
In Episode #4 of Conversations with Sorinne podcast, Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Antonio Mystic Bellissimo.
Antonio is a fascinating and adventurous individual that has experienced a lot of life... from growing up in Sicily to making his way to La La Land, and studying various spiritual practices in many parts of the world. His thirst for knowledge took him to Russia, China, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, Puerto Rico, Mexico, the Bahamas and many remote places in the world.
Antonio's story and message offer a lot to consider about what we're truly capable of and how to improve our state of being.
Antonio Mystic Bellissimo, director of the Peaceful Heart Society, has been called a spiritual scientist by Tibetan monks in a hot tub by the river in Oregon.
His Mission is to encourage and cultivate awareness, peace and love in the community at large. He encourages the up-leveling of belief systems, the re-defining of priorities and the cultivation of compassion and understanding in hopes of creating a better life for everyone of us.
Antonio has studied various people and cultures, learning their ancient ways of healing and how to access their supernatural abilities.
Episode #3
In Episode #3 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know David Goldstein, co-founder of We Defend Truth.
David is a very resilient and inspiring soul that has experienced a lot of flow in his life from gracefully adapting to challenges. His story and message offer a lot to those of us who aspire to live fulfilling, purpose-driven, and peaceful lives.
In this episode you'll learn how faith, non-attachment, and commitment opens your life up to beauty and rewarding opportunities, how life and death are connected, how the mainstream tends to skew our perception of reality, how to evolve in consciousness, and how to be of service to Life.
It is an honor getting to know David better. I appreciate his willingness to share many of the pieces of his inner and outer life so candidly with me and you.
David has worked as a consultant, strategist, entrepreneur, and activist across politics, corporate communications, and advocacy from the local to global levels for nearly 20 years.
He's been featured in numerous publications, including NPR's Planet Money and the New York Times. He is recognized as one of the world's leading voices in weaponized disinformation, briefing government regulators, journalists, academics, party officials, and nonprofit groups dedicated to safeguarding democracy across the world.
More importantly, after surviving cancer, severe heart disease, and numerous physical disabilities, he’s dedicated himself to finding spiritual, logical, and meaningful solutions to the worst issues we confront as humans: disease, death, and alienation from ourselves and each other.
Episode #2
In Episode #2 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Diana Morgan.
Diana is a very courageous and inspiring soul that has experienced an abundance of life in 4 decades. Her story and message offer a lot to those of us who aspire to have hearts full of peace, as well as love and fulfillment in our lives.
In this episode you'll learn how following your intuition can help lead you to living a life beyond your wildest dreams, how to make sense of and embrace all that you've been through, the relationship between your health and creativity, how to work with plant medicine responsibly and sustainably, and much much more =)
Diana Morgan is, above all, a voice for Gaia. As an author, singer/songwriter, artist, intuitive healer, and visionary, she weaves her life into a dance of devotion to embodying and sharing the wisdom of our wondrous planet. Diana believes in leading a life of truth, integrity, and self-responsibility. She is passionate about guiding fellow neurodivergent people into fully owning their creative and intuitive gifts, while being at one with nature. Diana is the female half of the musical duo Aligned Alchemy. She lives and plays on hundreds of magical acres in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern Kentucky, with her partner and cats. To learn more about Diana and connect with her, visit https://www.ohyesthis.com.
It is an honor getting to know Diana better. I am appreciative that she is now a greater part of my life. She is also responsible for the graphic designs used in Conversations with Sorinne podcast. 💜
Episode #1
In Episode #1 Sorinne Ardeleanu gets to know Dr. Michael Ryce.
Michael is the founder and director of Heartland Aramaic Mission. He is also the author of Why Is This Happening To Me… AGAIN?! which you can download for free at www.WhyAgain.org.
This episode is jam-packed with much wisdom, as well as many free resources to help anyone who's willing to help themselves go from surviving to thriving.
Michael has spent the past 50 years figuring out Life, as well as how to simplify his understanding to help others save 30 years.
He's a very unique and generous soul whom I am grateful to have connected with.